Strange Noise Coming from Boeing Starliner Craft Raises Eyebrows

Strange Noise Coming from Boeing Starliner Craft Raises Eyebrows

Over the weekend, US astronaut Barry Wilmore reached out to the NASA ground crew to report a repetitive knocking sound emanating from the Boeing Starliner craft. The interaction was captured by a member of the NASA Space Flight forum, who shared a recording of the conversation online. In the recording, Wilmore can be heard asking the crew in Houston to configure their call so he could show them the source of the noise, which he believed to be coming from a speaker inside the Starliner. The audio revealed a repetitive clanging sound with eerie vibes, described by one crew member as resembling an “almost sonar ping.”

While the strange noise raised concerns among listeners, it is important to consider that there could be a mundane explanation for it. One person on Reddit even likened it to a specific type of feedback loop. Neither Wilmore nor the NASA ground team member he spoke with appeared overly alarmed by the noise, despite its unsettling qualities that some likened to the Ganado theme from the video game Resident Evil 4. As of now, there is no definitive explanation for the source of the sound.

Boeing’s Starliner is currently scheduled to undock on September 6th for an automated, uncrewed return to Earth. This operation will leave behind its originally intended passengers, Barry Wilmore and fellow astronaut Sunita Williams, on the International Space Station until early next year. The timing of the noise issue is particularly crucial as it raises questions about the craft’s readiness for the upcoming undocking and return to Earth. It remains to be seen whether the mysterious sound will have any impact on the planned operations.

The strange noise emanating from the Boeing Starliner has stirred curiosity and raised eyebrows among space enthusiasts. While the exact source of the sound remains unknown, it has prompted speculation and discussion online. With the craft set to undock soon for its return to Earth, the NASA ground crew will need to investigate the issue further to ensure the safety and success of the mission. The space community will be eagerly awaiting updates on this peculiar occurrence as the Starliner’s journey continues.


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